Преподаватель Иврита
Мы рады представить вам услугу преподаватель иврита через наш ульпан Ulpan4U - Spoken Hebrew School.
Преподаватель Иврита – Варианты обучения
У вас есть выбор выбрать различные направления и различные формы обучения иврита с помощью учителя.
Преподаватель иврита у вас на дому.
По вашему желанию преподаватель иврита может приехать к вам домой, в офис или в удобное для вас место. Our teachers иврита мобильны и могут обучать не только в наших центрах, но так же и в удобном для вас месте. Данный вариант очень удобный если вы не мобильны, если у вас есть особые пожелания или направления в иврите. Или если у вас есть желание по быстрому освоить иврит. Так же данный вариант очень подходит если вы компания, которая хочет обучить своих сотрудников или клиентов. Мы приедем к вам в офис, и предоставим услугу репетитор иврита у вас в офисе.
Преподаватель иврита Онлайн.
The first question that those interested in the language ask is what is Hebrew Online and how does it go?
This is a classic activity, except that you save time by being able to do it anywhere, the main thing is that you have it at hand computer with an internet headphones with a microphone and a webcam. You don't waste unnecessary valuable resources on transport, on the way to the tutor and back. On the computer screen, as in a regular lesson, you can see the blackboard, the teacher and fellow students, with whom you can also freely communicate. This creates a friendly and cozy atmosphere. There is access to all the materials necessary for learning, which the teacher uses in the lesson - audio / video materials, presentations, etc. During the course, the Hebrew tutor can divide the students into groups (if this is a group lesson) to analyze individual exercises, composing and analyzing dialogues.
- преподаватель Иврита В одном из наших центров: Bat-Yam, Netania или Rishon Letzion.
You also have the opportunity to study with a Hebrew tutor in one of our centers. Our centers are located in Bat-Yam, Netania and in Rishon LeTzion.
Method of teaching Hebrew
Наш метод обучения иврита прежде всего направлен на современный иврит, который включает в себя разговорный и письменный иврит. Мы используем израильские учебные материалы, в том числе книги и аудиовизуальные средства, тщательно отобранные для Русскоговорящих учеников. Ученики нашего Ульпана Ulpan4U полностью погружены в интерактивную ивритоязычную среду в маленьких классах. Our teaching methods иврита значительно отличаются от стандартных. Стандартная форма обучения очень похожа на школьную форму. Долго и упорно учить вас тому что вам не пригодиться. И мы очень часто наблюдаем такую картину, человек который более года учил иврит, не может связать и двух слов.
Our teaching method first of all, it is aimed at getting you to speak as quickly as possible. To speak the correct Hebrew, the Hebrew that Israelis use. And not the one used by tutors who have taught Hebrew without having lived a single day in IsraelTherefore, our teachers are exclusively English-speaking Israelis who have undergone a rigorous selection process before beginning to teach and study Hebrew.
Our Advantage
Courses Hebrew для каждого – Благодаря нашей системе обучения ивриту, составленным по наиболее современным и надежным методикам изучения Hebrew. You get the opportunity to master the subject both from scratch and with the initial base. These methods were developed exclusively by Israelis. Our task is to create an atmosphere of live communication in the classroom, thanks to which learning brings pleasure, becomes a pleasant pastime.
The main aspect that is given attention is active language skills – dialogues, listening, oral exercises, discussions, Израильская современная музыка и многое другое. Мы уделяем большое внимание изучению разговорной речи без акцента и грамматики на занятиях. Нашей главной целью является свободное использование иврита в повседневной жизни. С самых первых занятий все обучающиеся активно участвуют в образовательном процессе. Спустя несколько уроков это позволяет им научиться быстро говорить, понимать речь на слух, доводя данный процесс до автоматизма.
This approach is most effective for quickly learning the material being studied, rather than wasting extra time at home. Homework весьма разнообразна – письменные и электронные упражнения. Нашим студентам большое удовольствие приносят различные компьютерные игры основанные на иврите, и составленными вашим репетитором. Для лучшего усвоения иврита мы смотрим фильмы, слушаем музыку, сочиняем диалоги и многое другое. Это делает изучения языка особенно увлекательным, веселым и эфективным.
Уровни иврита с репетитором
Hebrew Alef
The main focus of the course is on the level Hebrew Alef focuses on expanding vocabulary and providing the learner with the tools he or she needs to begin communicating in Hebrew. By the end of Hebrew Alef We expect that most students will feel comfortable enough to try to use their Hebrew in situations outside the Ulpan environment.
Ulpan program for beginners (Hebrew Alef) is designed for those students who begin to study Hebrew, so to speak, "from scratch". If the student has some baggage of knowledge in this area, he is usually given the opportunity to choose a level that corresponds to his knowledge.
Hebrew Bet
Student level Hebrew Bet (Beginner +) is described as a more competent reader and someone who has a wide enough vocabulary to carry on a simple conversation. These students usually have gaps in their knowledge of Hebrew, and during the course the teacher aims to identify and fill these gaps.
Our Ulpan ulpan4u provides an Individualized Program. Allows the student's curriculum to be tailored to this. The teacher can include subjects and vocabulary more relevant to everyday life; for example, politics, news, history, etc. This enriches the learning experience and makes the learning process more stimulating for the student.
Hebrew Gimel
Ulpan Student Gimel - it's the one who has already completed the first two beginner levels and has now reached the intermediate level. He now has a good passive knowledge of Hebrew and can understand what is happening around him. Now the goal of the Ulpan student Gimel - transform all his passive knowledge into active knowledge.
The Hebrew tutor provides motivation for this by using materials and objects that suit both his character and interests, both personal and professional. Much attention is paid to encouraging and enabling the Gimel student to speak, in order to make his speech as fluent and natural as possible. In addition, at the Gimel level, the emphasis is on “connectors” and linguistic elements that make speech rich and spontaneous.
Express Hebrew
Express Hebrew allows you to quickly master the basics Hebrew. You will be able to use simple phrases in Hebrew, understand a little of what Israelis say and immerse yourself in the culture of Israel. This course is suitable for repatriates, tourists, businessmen or just people who want to quickly get acquainted with Hebrew.
Hebrew Express is also suitable for those who do not want to spend a lot of time on acquiring Hebrew. All our lessons will be intensive, and you need to be prepared for this. However, you will be pleasantly surprised by how fast your process of learning and mastering Hebrew will be. Which will be many times greater than what is taught in regular ulpans.
Hebrew for Business
This course allows you to master Hebrew skills in the business sphere. When meeting with various business partners or strategic clients, it is very important to correctly introduce yourself and what you offer in Hebrew. You also need to understand what they answer you in Hebrew and delve into the issue of cooperation, taking into account the problems of the partner or client.
These Hebrew lessons are aimed at people who need to learn Hebrew to improve their work performance. For beginners, you will benefit from learning basic greetings and business etiquette; and as you become more proficient, reading and writing will come to the fore. Typical students include those in import/export, those seeking employment with multinational companies, international negotiations, and those working with international colleagues or administration. In our course “Hebrew Business” students can expect to graduate from the course with a decent knowledge of Hebrew, as well as a good enough command of the language for a short trip to the country.
Knowledge of Hebrew is an important tool for achieving success in work. With this indisputable fact in mind, professional ulpans are regularly organized, where Hebrew is taught at the ulpan level. Alef also includes professional terminology. First of all, such ulpans are intended for scientific and technical workers, engineers, high-tech specialists, medical workers and teachers.
In some cases, the training program may include English language terms and computer skills. In many cases, the participation of a professional psychologist and other specialists in the field of employment is envisaged.