Hebrew Gimel — the end of the “easy Hebrew” training, the transition to the literary language, the study of more complex syntactic structures. This level is important, since according to the rules Jerusalem University, those who were able to master this level received education in this institution. Acquired skills:
- Conducting a conversation, discussion on any everyday topic with a native speaker
- Understanding news, radio broadcasts, lectures
- Transition from reading simple news to more complex articles, books
- Ability to understand simple documentation in Hebrew
When students finish Hebrew Bet, they move on to the third level of Ulpan Gimel. This is where the study of easy Hebrew ends. Then teachers teach the literary language, deepening and expanding the knowledge of their students. If the goal is to study at the Jerusalem University, then after this course and passing the tests, you can enter one of the available faculties of the university. A student, having successfully mastered the Ulpan Gimel program, will be able to:
- Communicate with native speakers on any everyday topic;
- Participate in discussions and conduct conversations;
- Read the press, light texts in unadapted Hebrew;
- Read books in easy Hebrew;
- Understand and take notes on lectures.
Thus, thanks toHebrew Gimel, possession of basic knowledge of literary Hebrew, the ability to read simple adapted texts, you can begin studying at the university. But in order to become a full-fledged Israeli, this is not enough. Therefore, we recommend continuing your studies at Ulpan Dalet. Ulpan Alet will give you the opportunity to obtain Hebrew the same as native Israelis.