Ulpan4U - Modern Hebrew
Modern Hebrew and Grammatical Hebrew
Let's first figure out what Modern Hebrew is and what Grammatical Hebrew is.
Spoken Hebrew - this is what Israelis have been speaking for the last 30 years.
Grammatical Hebrew - this is the Hebrew that is a kind of basis for modern Hebrew.
But it’s very important to understand that Israelis speak modern Hebrew! Many of them don’t know many of the rules that are often imposed on Hebrew learners. Everything would be great, but the problem is that many students develop a fear of Hebrew when they are taught not Hebrew itself, but rules!
You can sit and learn the rules for months, but in the end, the student will not be able to speak, understand and read Hebrew quickly. And the result is deplorable! Half a year of studying Hebrew, and then we cannot put two words together.
Grammatical Hebrew
- A strong emphasis on vowel marks (which you will rarely encounter outside of the Ulpan).
- Strong emphasis on verbs as something separate.
- Strong emphasis on letters rather than words and phrases.
- A huge number of rules.
- A huge number of words that have no connection with sentences and etc.
The approach to learning through Grammatical Hebrew is very similar to the second language we learned in school. Many years of learning the rules, and then we can’t calmly form a sentence, even a simple one.
Modern Hebrew!
Our Ulpan Ulpan4U specializes in modern Hebrew. It is not so important for us that you know the vowels and roots of words. But it is important for us that you write and speak in whole phrases, without thinking. So that it is automatic for you.
Remember when we were little and went to school. Didn't we speak our main language?... Not at all, we spoke calmly, without thinking! This is what we focus on in our ulpan. And the methods and achievements are as follows:
- In the first lessons, we write simple words, developing a certain level of automatism.
- We write them in writing and on WhatsApp.
- We speak and pronounce words.
- By the 3rd or 4th lesson, we start speaking and writing phrases.
- And after a month of lessons (about 16 hours), you will be able to write an essay on your own and present it aloud!
The most interesting thing is that all the programs of most ulpans were written in the last century. Much has changed. Because Hebrew is revived, and it is constantly changing. You can’t teach students what was relevant in 1950. Our form of education takes into account not only modern Hebrew, but also gadgets, programs and interactive games that help in learning.
Small classes are the key to success!
Very often students are lured with free Hebrew lessons. Here you will be surprised! Together with you there will be about 40 more people!
Our classes consist of up to 8 people. This means that each student receives maximum attention and can quickly learn Hebrew. And also, our tutors have the opportunity to adjust themselves in relation to the group, and not stupidly conduct the program without taking into account the abilities of each student.
Dear students, if you want to learn the Hebrew that Israelis actually use, then this is the place for you! You will immerse yourself in a pleasant Hebrew learning environment that no other Ulpan can offer. We look forward to seeing you!
Why We Are the Best
Наш Ульпан фокусируется на маленьких группах, до 8 человек. Обучаем только тому что нужно, и поэтому наши ученики уже пишут, говорят и понимают уже после первого месяца обучения иврита.
State-of-the-Art Classrooms
Our classrooms are located in modern facilities across three cities in Israel.
Experienced Teachers
All our teachers are English speaking and have been living in Israel since an early age.
Latest Methodology
All our students start speaking Hebrew after just one month of learning.