Our Ulpan


Hebrew Alef

Our Ulpan - levels and different ways of learning Hebrew. Here we will tell you about Hebrew and its different levels. A student of Ulpan Aleph can be described as a reader (beginner level) to a limited extent. He can read slowly, but does not understand what he is reading. At this stage, the vocabulary is very limited and contains only a small number of words.

Typically, students at the Aleph level are unable to hold a simple conversation or speak confidently. Sentence structure is taught and actively used with the student so that he can integrate what he is learning, and constant efforts are made to establish connections between what is covered in class and the student's current situation, life experiences, areas of interest, etc.

The main goal of the Aleph Hebrew course is to expand vocabulary and give the student the tools he or she needs to begin communicating in Hebrew. By the end of the Aleph course, we expect that most students will feel comfortable enough to attempt to use their Hebrew in situations outside of the Ulpan environment.

Ulpan for Beginners (Ulpan Alef) is designed for those immigrants who are starting to learn Hebrew, so to speak, “from scratch.” If the immigrant has some experience in this area, he is usually given the opportunity to choose a class that matches his level.

New immigrants are not required to attend an ulpan, although it is highly recommended to take advantage of this opportunity. Completing an ulpan within the first few months of your stay in the country will speed up the adaptation process and make your integration easier, especially when you begin looking for a job.

Once you start working full-time, finding time to learn Hebrew can be difficult. Therefore, it is important to take this course as early as possible and make every effort to learn Hebrew during the first months after immigrating.

Hebrew Bet

A student at the Hebrew Bet (Beginner +) level is described as a more competent reader and someone who has a broad enough vocabulary to carry on a simple conversation. Typically, these students have gaps in their knowledge of Hebrew, and during the course the instructor aims to identify and fill these gaps.

Our ulpan ulpan4u provides a customized program that allows the student's curriculum to be adapted to this. The teacher can include subjects and vocabulary that are more relevant to everyday life; for example, politics, news, history, etc. This enriches the learning process and makes the learning process more stimulating for the student.

Hebrew Gimel

A student of Ulpan Gimel is one who has already completed the first two beginner levels and has now reached the intermediate level. He now has a good passive knowledge of Hebrew and can understand what is happening around him. Now the goal of the student of Ulpan Gimel is to turn all his passive knowledge into active knowledge.

Motivation for this must be provided by means of materials and objects that would suit both his character and his interests, both personal and professional. Much attention is paid to encouraging and enabling the Gimel student to speak, in order to make his speech as fluent and natural as possible. In addition, at the Gimel level, emphasis is placed on "links" and linguistic elements that make speech rich and spontaneous.

Hebrew Dalet

A student in Ulpan Dalet is considered an advanced student. He or she can hold conversations and express themselves more fluently, using standard vocabulary. This category of students can speak on a wide range of topics, although their grammar still needs further refinement. Reading about current events in the newspaper (i.e. more formal language) is still a challenge at this stage. The teacher will use more complex materials, such as Israeli TV, online news and media, Israeli music, and sometimes even a little poetry. They aim to develop and enrich the students' vocabulary, making them fluent and sophisticated communicators.

What is Ulpan

An ulpan (Hebrew: אולפן) is an institute or school for intensive Hebrew language study. Ulpan (plural ulpanim ‘אולפנים) is a Hebrew word meaning “studio,” “study,” or “training.”

The Ulpan institution is designed to teach adult immigrants to Israel basic language skills of communication, writing, and comprehension. Most Ulpans also teach the basics of Israeli culture, history, and geography. The main goal of the Ulpan is to help new citizens integrate into the social, cultural, and economic life of their new country as quickly and easily as possible.

The concept of the Ulpan arose shortly after the establishment of Israel in 1948. The new country faced a massive influx of new immigrants, refugees from war-torn Europe, oppressed and dispossessed communities from Africa and the Middle East, and from all corners of the world. Their language and culture were very different. The Ulpan was created to help them learn Hebrew and assimilate into the culture.

Ulpans continue to serve immigrants today. There are many private institutions, but most are run by the Jewish Agency, municipalities, kibbutzim, and universities. Ulpans used to be free for new immigrants (olim) to Israel. Nowadays, the cost can vary depending on the type and length of the course. Since the first ulpan was established in Jerusalem in 1949, more than 1.3 million new immigrants have graduated from ulpans.

Our Ulpan was created to provide rapid learning of Hebrew to anyone who wants it, regardless of their nationality or religion.

Private or State Ulpan?

The Hidden Problem of State Ulpans

A 2007 government study found that even after five months of intensive Hebrew study in a state-run ulpan, 60% of new immigrants over the age of thirty could not read, write or speak Hebrew at a basic level.

As a result, private ulpans emerged, such as Our Ulpan Ulpan4U. Our Hebrew Ulpan Ulpan4U has advantages that can be listed endlessly, but we will describe only the most interesting and important ones:

  1. Small classes, up to 10 people - teachers have the opportunity to help each student individually.
  2. Excellent Classrooms - All of our classrooms are located exclusively in the latest Бизнес-центрах. Новые заведения, вкусности, чай, кофе и т. д.
  3. Our teachers — all our teachers are not only theorists, but also practitioners, from such areas as business, marketing, sales, etc.
  4. Speed ​​of learning - all our students speak within 2 months.
  5. Low Price - We are one of the cheapest ульпанов в Израиле.

Contact us and you will speak Hebrew in 2 months. To contact us, press here


Modern Hebrew is one of the two official languages ​​of Israel, and most of its citizens use it as their native language. It is spoken by about 9 million people worldwide, most of whom live in Israel.

The roots of Hebrew date back to the first millennium BC, making it one of the oldest languages ​​spoken in the world today!

Based on classical sources (biblical, rabbinic and medieval), Hebrew was revived as a spoken language at the turn of the 20th century through the combined efforts of intellectuals, teachers and educators, the most famous of whom was Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, to become what it is today. This is Modern (or Israeli) Hebrew, a modern form of the ancient language.

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